Medicine and Medical Sciences

The current study was conducted in Pakistan from April 2020 to June 2021. During this study we collected 90 samples that were collected in Pakistan. We used online method for our questionnaires using Google forms, and some data were collected in simple face to face manner. The result of this study represents that most of the covid-19 survivors feel weakness and depression after surpassing this viral disease. This study are mostly prevalence in above 60 years and below 5 year. Which need proper intervention in promoting awareness and campaigning. Research question-naire in this research was to study nurse perception about examining the post covid-19 patient emotional, cognitive and behavioral effects among Covid-19 survivors in Pakistan. The aim was to study the post emotional, cognitive and behavioral effects of covid-19 survivors. To discover different cultural perception regarding this disease and their holistic management. To examine the conflict regarding the disease existence. This study is a quantitative research using a cross-sectional descriptive design. It means that the study conducted and reported in this research is a onetime picture of the phenomenon. The population in this study will be the adult Covid survivors with an age range of 18 to 60 years who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 and has survived through it. A purposive sampling technique has been used in this study. A total of 90 participants has been enrolled based on the need for data collection using Likert scale 5 point scale. For collecting the data, five point Likert scale questionnaire was designed according to the objectives of the study. The questionnaire included questions related to cognitive, emotional and behavioral aspects of the Covid survivors. Additionally, it will also explore the different cultural perception and their holistic management. The questionnaire has been reviewed by the group supervisor, and after approval, it was developed into a digital form using Google form applications. 

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