Dogs occupy a special position in most human societies, not equaled by any other animal species. The extra-ordinary intelligence of dogs has been exploited by man, and this has made them useful to man for various activities, which include hunting, retrieving, herding, rescue operations, tracking and security. Huge amount of money is spent for up keep of dogs since they are important to man. Despite all attempts by man to keep dogs in good health condition, a lot of challenges are faced by dog owners, particularly in the area of disease control. Sarcoptic mange is one of the most uncomfortable skin diseases that affect dogs. It is caused a mite called Sarcoptes scabeie var canis which is a transmissible disease and is a major zoonosis. It is highly contagious and over 50% of dogs and humans develop the skin lesions after having contact with infested dogs. These mites burrow into their hosts` skins, causing scaling, crust formation, matting of hair and hair loss, and severe itching that decreases dog's quality of life significantly. It was therefore considered important to report a case of Sarcoptes scabies in a dog for improved care of dogs by their owners and for public health.