Agricultural Science and Soil Sciences

Developing countries face challenges of food production (food insecurity) and malnutrition on daily basis and this mainly affects women and children who are culprits of hunger and death. Kenya faces the worst scenario over food deficits and malnutrition. Meeting sustainable food requirements as it is in developed countries becomes an uphill task. Kenya imports more food grains such as maize, rice, sugar and wheat among others. Nearly 40% of our food stores contain imported foods. What could be the reason for this shortage of food? Information captured by local farmers indicates the scientific language used in training and instructing farmers is foreign and scientific hence difficult to conceptualize and interpret to a local environmental language that is simple to understand and implement by farmers. Farmers therefore end up not doing the right things. This essential agri-environmental communication technique between farmers and instructional language complexity contributes significantly to poor agricultural output. The farmers' claim has been thinly covered in research studies regarding the food production system. This is the reason for carrying out this research. This paper seeks to address the claim that agri-environmental communication interaction can be key to enhancing food production and nutrition as well as improving human health. The objective was to find out the causes of low food production due to lack of agri-environmental communication interaction; To assess the effect of food insecurity and malnutrition on human health due to agri-environmental communication interactions and to make recommendations towards enhancing food production and nutrition in improving human health in Kenya through agri-environmental communication interaction. The research study and data was collected from secondary sources, media observations and focus group discussions from the forty-seven counties in Kenya. The findings revealed that, food production is very low due to poor communication in scientific agricultural terminologies interpretation in local language for effective use by farmers. The recommendation is that, government and stakeholders should take action and improve on effective agri- environmental communication interaction in order to solve food insecurity and malnutrition. The scientific language used in instructions product labels should include local languages.

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