This research investigated style as an elusive and difficult element to render in an African prose text. Using illustrations from Charles Tsimi’s Clandestinement votre, it identified elements of style in 15 randomly selected excerpts, highlighted possible constraints to the translation of style into English and proposed strategies that a translator could use in the event of its translation. The study applied Toury’s (1995) Descriptive Translation Studies (DTS) for qualitative data collection as it identified, described and explained pathways for the translatability of style in the corpus. The quantitative data collected for the study were analysed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The descriptive statistical tools used were frequencies and percentages. The quantitative data were analysed using SPSS 25.0, and the findings were presented using figures and tables. The research was underpinned by both translation and literary theories. Concerning translation theory, it made use of the Sociolinguistic and Skopos Theories. The literary theories that supported the work were formalism, post-colonial criticism, sociological criticism and new historicism. The findings revealed that difficult-to-translate elements of style were found in the author’s diction (73.3%), voice (20.0%) and tone (6.7%). Regarding constraints, it was revealed that translators can face text-driven, translator-related, norm-imposed and extra-linguistic constraints in rendering African prose texts into English. Concerning macro translation strategies, the study proposed foreignisation (20%) and domestication (80%) for rendering style, while the micro strategies it identified were modulation (33.3%), literal translation (26.7), adaptation and equivalence, both of equal weights (13.3%) and deletion and transference also of equal proportions (6.7%). The study concluded that a successful translation of style would depend largely on the potential translator’s mastery of the source text culture, which will condition how they convey both its message (content) and the style (form).